APTA Montana is passionate about our profession and drive to make change through advocacy, education, and community. Our core values are COMMUNITY, ADVANCEMENT, IMPACT. APTA Montana will focus on member value, a sustainable profession, quality of care, and demand and access through advocacy, education, and community.

Special Interest Groups

A Special Interest Group (SIG) is comprised of a group of members within the association who have a common interest in special areas of physical therapy.
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Private Practice 

The Private Practice Special Interest Group (SIG) of APTA Montana is dedicated to advancing the practice of physical therapy in private practice settings. Our mission is to support our members by enhancing their business and clinical skills through education, advocacy, networking, and collaboration, ultimately improving the quality of care for patients across Montana.

Chair: Tyler Ladenburg

Sign up - (this will be updated soon).

Regional Groups


Yellowstone County

Blerim Dibra and Jeffrey Smith organized this informal group on Facebook and invite you there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2390856714455581

BOD and Committee Meetings

Have you ever wondered what APTA Montana Board of Directors, or the Legislative Committee talk about each month?  Have you thought about participating?  Or are you just curious? Every APTA Montana member has the opportunity to attend and listen to these sessions.  Any member present will have the opportunity to comment at the end of the meeting.


  • You must be an active APTA Montana member.

  • You must send a request to Gail Oss at montanapt@aptamt.com by the 5th of the month with a request to participate.

Dates (subject to change):

  • Legislative Committee: 3rd Thursday of each month at 7am via Zoom

  • Board of Director: 4th Thursday of each month at 7am via Zoom, in person the Friday prior to each Conference (see event page)