Through lobbying, grassroots, and regulatory advocacy, APTA shapes policy on the issues that impact our profession and the patients and clients we serve. These issues include: Medicare Fee Schedule, Telehealth, Education and Workforce Legislation, Eliminating the Direct Supervision Requirement of PTAs under Medicare Part B, Administrative Burden, Direct Access, Essential Health Benefits, Fair Physical Therapy Copays, Health Information Technology, IDEA and ESSA, Locum Tenens in Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Opt-Out, Eliminating the Direct Supervision Requirement of PTAs under Medicare Part B, Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, State Advocacy for Imaging Orders by Physical Therapist, PTs' Ability to Certify for Disability Parking Placards and License Plates, Safe Pain Management Advocacy, Term and Title Protection Advocacy.
To learn about the issues other APTA state chapters are engaged with check out our
APTA State Advocacy Map (members only). APTA's State Advocacy Map is a dynamic tool designed to offer a comprehensive overview of each APTA state chapter that reported state legislative initiatives of interest to the PT profession during the 2024 legislative season. Members can seamlessly navigate through the widget map to discern whether a state chapter supports, opposes, or is neutral on a bill. The interactive tool also allows members to view bill text, current bill status, and more, as well as sign-up to receive alerts and updates on specific state bills